Saturday, November 8, 2008

Butts Mill Farm

We've had a full week of Woodruff Company. We headed out to Butts Mill Farm for their company Fall Festival today. We haven't been out there in a few years, and there was tons more to do. We all had a great time- Tres and I even raced each other up this big spider web in the indoor playground. Adlie has always enjoyed horses, and that's the first thing she wanted to do. Laney did not, and Capps was off just as quick as he was on.
We always love it when we're able to play with our friends Liza and Laurie Clare. They all had so much fun- all three were asleep within 2 minutes of leaving!


We stopped by to say hey to Hello Kitty. She was supposed to be at the Landings as well, but was delayed in arrival. This was actually a big deal for our Laney, who has never really liked much of anything that is dressed up in costume. We had a lot of build of about meeting her, and Laney even brought her a pile of Hello Kitty colorings she made. Aren't they cute?

Little Sailor Boy

Capps had his last sitting for his one year panel the other day, and I had them change him into this little sailor suit for a couple of the shots. This was his daddy's, and Gigi has saved it all these 30+ years. I just love this blue velvet with his red hair.

The Lighting of the Landings

Well, we went back to the Landings for their annual Lighting of the Christmas decorations. The girls were so excited! Because Gigi is a VIP, they were able to be in the only group of children that got to ride with Santa in the carriage all around the center. When they were done, there was a news crew waiting to interview everyone! They had a blast. Capps was non-stop, just taking in all the people and decor! Even though Christmas is still weeks away, I am so excited for the season. Even one of our local radio stations begun playing only Christmas songs until it's over- that's about 8 weeks away- and just crazy!!

Santa's Special Visit

We are only in the first week of November, but were able to experience a very special visit from Santa. Gigi's company is hosting a big Christmas event at one of their shopping centers- and we were able to shoot for the samples packages that will be available for Santa pictures!
The girls loved it-----Capps, not so much!

Happy Halloween!

We had fun this year! Laney, Capps, and I dressed up for preschool.
I made Laney and Adlie's costumes-never again- and put together a little something for myself. I was a hit as Bon Qui Qui from King Burger. That evening we headed to a local church for their festival and then to a few homes for trick-or-treating. The result was a huge trash bag full of candy!